Value Oriented Strategies |
Value stategies means investing in good businesses and assets that are priced at a discount to market value. Our portfolio managers look for companies that have, among other attributes, restructuring opportunities, hidden assets, undervalued growth models, positive management change, dividend/yield plays, or management action that generates a positive change in a company’s business model (turnaround). Serious value investing, based on the stage of value realization, can lead to significant portfolio appreciation.
Fundamental Research |
Five Mile River research goes well beyond reading company SEC filing documents such as 8K, 10K and proxies. Our portfolio managers maintain regular communication with company management, study Wall Street research, engage in quarterly earnings calls, contact competitors, suppliers and customers in order to get a more comprehensive view of the potential risk and return of each investment.
Clients Goals |
Client goals are our first priority when defining asset allocation. Clients new to Five Mile River Investment Management discuss their investment objectives with our Five Mile River Team. Portfolios are constructed to meet their needs. Regular client interaction is encouraged so that the investment team can react to any change in investment objective.
Portfolio Designed To Meet Income And Growth Objectives |
Establishing a custom strategy consistent with a client’s objectives is key to building portfolios that lead to long-term excellence in performance. Diversification is achieved by investment in companies that participate in global markets, in multiple sectors and industries. Also, the implementation of diverse value strategies can further reduce volatility. A disciplined approach drives the portfolio investments with both short-term and long-term price objectives set for all securities. Positions are reduced or sold entirely when a price objective is reached. Five Mile River is committed to an investment process that can provide long-term wealth creation for clients.